
7-day ski touring Mgoun valley

26 August, 2023

7-day ski touring Mgoun valley

Experience the ultimate ski touring adventure in the stunning Mgoun Valley with our 7-day Morocco ski touring package. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking landscapes of the Atlas Mountains while indulging in a week of exhilarating skiing. Mgoun Valley, renowned for its untouched natural beauty, offers an idyllic setting for ski enthusiasts to explore pristine slopes and discover the magic of skiing in Morocco.

Mgoun Valley, often hailed as a hidden gem, is a paradise for those seeking a unique skiing experience. Our expertly crafted 7-day Morocco skiing itinerary ensures you make the most of every moment on the slopes. As you traverse the snow-covered terrain, you’ll be enchanted by the picturesque Berber villages that dot the landscape, providing a glimpse into the rich local culture that thrives in these mountains.

Skiing in Morocco offers a rare blend of adventure and cultural immersion. Our tour combines the thrill of skiing through untouched powder with the opportunity to engage with the local way of life. You’ll have the chance to interact with the welcoming Berber communities and savor traditional Moroccan cuisine after a day of invigorating skiing.

With our 7-day ski touring package in Mgoun Valley, you’ll discover a side of Morocco that most travelers never experience. Our passionate guides, well-versed in the region’s terrain and history, will accompany you on this journey, ensuring your safety and making your adventure both memorable and educational. Get ready to create lasting memories as you indulge in the thrill of skiing amidst the beauty of Mgoun Valley, a destination that truly encapsulates the essence of skiing in Morocco.

7 Days / 6 Nights
Guided tour
At a glance

This journey promises a perfect blend of adrenaline and serenity. As you glide through pristine powder and ascend rugged peaks, you’ll be immersed in a winter wonderland of towering snow-capped mountains, frozen rivers, and traditional Berber villages. Nights are equally enchanting as you gather around cozy fires in mountain lodges, savoring hearty Moroccan cuisine and sharing tales of the day’s exploits. 7-day ski tour through Mgoun Valley is an unforgettable opportunity to experience the magic of winter in a truly spectacular alpine setting.


Day 1: Marrakech – transfer to Arousse (1900m)

5 hour drive allows us to enter the Haut Atlas. Night in a small mountain hut in the village of Arousse.

The village of Arouss, situated in the heart of Morocco, is a hidden gem that captures the essence of traditional Berber life against the backdrop of the majestic Atlas Mountains. This charming village offers a glimpse into the everyday rhythms of rural Morocco, with its terraced fields, mud-brick houses, and welcoming locals who continue to preserve their cultural heritage. As you stroll through the village’s narrow alleys, you’ll be greeted by the aroma of traditional Moroccan cuisine and the vibrant colors of handwoven rugs and textiles. Arouss stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of community and the beauty of simplicity, making it a captivating destination for travelers seeking an authentic Moroccan experience off the beaten path.

Day 2: Arousse - Tarkeddit Pass (3400m) - Tarkeddit Refuge (2910m)

Long step of 1500m of altitude change. The beginning of the route is done on foot. The mules carry our ski baggage to the edge of the snow. At the pass, the view of the M’Goun is beautiful. Descent to the refuge.

The journey kicks off with an invigorating trek on foot, setting the tone for an adventurous experience. Our trusty mules take on the responsibility of transporting our ski baggage until we reach the snow-covered terrain. As we ascend to the pass, a breathtaking panorama of the M’Goun mountain range unfolds before us, offering a picturesque vista that’s nothing short of awe-inspiring. The descent from this vantage point leads us gracefully towards our refuge, where comfort and warmth await after a day of exhilarating exploration.

Day 3: Ascent to M’Goun (4068m)

We ski the highest point of the massif (known as Oumsoud on maps) with a light backpack. Long step on the ridges. Overnight at the refuge.

Embracing the thrill of the journey, we venture to conquer the pinnacle of the massif, renowned as Oumsoud on maps, equipped with nothing but a light backpack and an unyielding spirit. Skiing along the extensive ridges demands confident strides, as we navigate the undulating terrain with a sense of exhilaration and purpose. As daylight fades, we find solace and respite at the refuge, nestled amidst these rugged surroundings. Here, under the starlit sky, we rest and rejuvenate, ready to seize the next day’s challenges with renewed determination.

Day 4: M’Goun Pass – descent to the hamlet of Azib Ikkis (2300m)

Small connection step between two long days. Depending on snow conditions and physical conditions of the participants, we can make a tour through the top of Tifdaniwine summit (3449 m). Overnight in a small house-barn in the Ikiss town.

Providing a gentle interlude between two demanding days, we introduce a brief connecting stage. Taking into account both the prevailing snow conditions and the participants’ physical well-being, a delightful option emerges—a tour that winds its way through the summit of Tifdaniwine, reaching an elevation of 3449 meters. This serves as a picturesque diversion, allowing us to catch our breath and immerse ourselves in the surrounding natural beauty. Following this gratifying journey, we retreat to the quaint embrace of a small house-barn in Ikiss town, where the essence of rustic charm awaits us. Here, we find not only shelter but also an opportunity to foster camaraderie and recount the tales of our collective adventure.

Day 5: Crossing the Igoudamène (3500m) - Zawit Oulmzi (2100m)

Long day alternating descents, climbs, ridges. We may need to carry skis on certain sections depending on snow conditions. The mules will help us bringing the equipment up to the snow. If needed we find them again at the snow limit to get to the bottom of the valley in Tabant. We reach the village of Zaouit Oulmzi at the bottom of the valley in a local taxi. Overnight.

Anticipate a day of daring contrasts as we navigate through a challenging landscape that promises an array of descents, climbs, and exhilarating ridge traversals. The dynamic nature of the terrain might necessitate brief instances where we shoulder our skis, adapting to the snow conditions that lie ahead. In this endeavor, our dependable mules come to our aid, efficiently ferrying our equipment until we reach the snowy expanses. Should circumstances warrant it, these steadfast companions meet us anew at the snow’s edge, ensuring a seamless transition as we descend towards Tabant’s valley floor. Our efforts culminate in the embrace of the charming village of Zaouit Oulmzi, reached by a local taxi. Here, we find solace and camaraderie as we relish the tales of the day’s trials and triumphs, preparing for the adventures that lie ahead.

Day 6: Waougoulzat (3740m)

Early departure for the ascent of the major summit, at the far east of the massif. Overnight in a cottage.

With the sun’s first light, we embark on an early departure, driven by the anticipation of conquering the eminent summit of Waougoulzat, nestled at the far eastern edge of the massif. As we ascend, the challenges of the terrain are matched only by the exhilaration of our progress. The panoramic views that greet us at the peak are a testament to the journey’s worth, reaffirming our connection with the rugged beauty of nature. Our day’s endeavors culminate in the embrace of a cozy cottage, where tales of the ascent are exchanged, and the camaraderie of shared experiences fosters an atmosphere of warmth and camaraderie. Here, amidst the tranquil embrace of the mountains, we find respite and restoration, preparing for the adventures that await in the days to come.

Day 7: Return to Marrakech

With memories of breathtaking landscapes and exhilarating adventures etched into our minds, we bid farewell to the mountain realm and embark on a journey back to the vibrant city of Marrakech. The transition from the serene wilderness to the bustling streets is a reminder of the diverse facets that Morocco offers. As we traverse the winding roads, we carry the spirit of our mountain escapades with us, a source of inspiration and reflection. The journey back to Marrakech is not just a physical return but a transition from the wilderness back to the vibrant tapestry of Moroccan culture, a fusion of experiences that enriches our understanding of this captivating land.

Morocco Bike & Ski Tours,

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