
Atlas Mountains to Atlantic coast biking tour

29 August, 2023

Atlas Mountains to Atlantic coast biking tour

9 days Atlas mountains to Atlantic coast mountain biking tour: Mountain biking tour through beautiful Morocco. The tour starts in Marrakech and then heads to the wonderful Atlantic Coast stopping at the coastal cities of Essaouira, Ride through the Atlas Mountains to the Atlantic coast Morocco’s Atlas Mountains are an undiscovered labyrinth of picturesque switchback roads. Using our knowledge of this magical country we have crafted the perfect drop bar cycling trip which winds its way from the bustle of Marrakech, through lush green valleys, over isolated high mountain passes and down long flowing descents all the way to the ocean. If you are after an alternative cycling challenge ….. Adventurous mountain bikers looking to explore the High Atlas Mountains and Atlantic Coast. without day by day description four paragraphs please

Embark on a thrilling 9-day cycling odyssey that seamlessly weaves through the stunning landscapes of Morocco, from the bustling city of Marrakech to the enchanting Atlantic Coast. This mountain biking tour offers an alternative and exhilarating challenge for adventurous souls seeking to explore Morocco’s hidden gems.

Your journey commences in Marrakech, a vibrant city steeped in history and culture. From here, you’ll pedal your way into the heart of Morocco’s Atlas Mountains, a labyrinth of switchback roads that reveal breathtaking vistas at every turn. The high mountain passes and lush green valleys become your playground as you embrace the allure of off-the-beaten-path cycling.

The route’s carefully crafted path takes you through remote landscapes that often remain undiscovered by mainstream travelers. The High Atlas Mountains, with their rugged beauty and serene isolation, offer a thrilling backdrop for this unique biking adventure. As you navigate the picturesque roads, you’ll encounter challenges and rewards, each contributing to a sense of accomplishment that comes from conquering these high-altitude terrains.

As you venture higher into the mountains, the air becomes crisp and the views become more panoramic. Descending from these heights brings you a sense of exhilaration as you flow down long, winding descents. These moments of sheer freedom and connection with nature are what make this journey truly extraordinary.

The crescendo of your adventure unfolds as you approach the Atlantic Coast. The coastal cities, with Essaouira as a standout gem, offer a different flavor of Morocco’s allure. The Atlantic’s waves crash against the shores, welcoming you to a new chapter of your journey. This transition from the mountains to the ocean provides a vivid illustration of Morocco’s diverse landscapes and the sense of accomplishment that comes from traversing them.

9 Days / 8 Nights
Guided tour, 2-12 person group size
DIFFICULTY: Intermediate | Mountain bike
At a glance

For the intrepid mountain bikers seeking to explore both the High Atlas Mountains and the Atlantic Coast, this cycling tour is a dream come true. The route carefully balances the challenges of the terrain with the rewards of breathtaking views, cultural encounters, and the satisfaction of completing an extraordinary adventure.

Note: This itinerary and the duration of the activities are subject to change due to group abilities and preferences, and weather conditions and forecasts.


Day 1: Arrival in Marrakech - Exploring the Heart of the Medina

Your 9-day cycling adventure begins with an exciting arrival in Marrakech, a city that pulsates with energy and cultural richness. As you disembark at the airport, our team eagerly awaits your arrival, ready to guide you through the first steps of your journey.

From the airport, you’ll be whisked away to your accommodations—a charming hotel or Riad nestled within the heart of the bustling Medina. The labyrinthine alleys, colorful markets, and captivating architecture of Marrakech are right at your doorstep, promising an immersive introduction to Moroccan life.

After settling in and refreshing yourself, the afternoon unfolds with opportunities to explore Marrakech’s vibrant streets. The city is a sensory overload in the best possible way—bustling souks, the intricate details of historic buildings, and the lively ambiance of Jemaa el-Fnaa square create an atmosphere that’s both invigorating and enchanting.

Wander through the labyrinthine alleys, allowing your curiosity to guide you. The aromas of exotic spices waft from market stalls, and artisans showcase their craftsmanship in intricate designs that adorn everything from textiles to ceramics. As you explore, you’ll catch glimpses of Marrakech’s rich history and vibrant culture, woven into the fabric of its streets.

As the day draws to a close, you might choose to savor a cup of mint tea in a local café, watching the world go by in the fading sunlight. The first day of your journey is a perfect prelude to the adventures that await—a taste of Marrakech’s magic, setting the stage for the days ahead.

Day 2: Marrakech to Imi’oughelad - Trails and Tranquility at the Atlas Foothills

As the sun casts its early rays over Marrakech, your journey begins with anticipation and the promise of pedal-powered adventures. Today, you’ll trade the vibrant city for the serene landscapes of the Atlas Mountains, embarking on a cycling odyssey that showcases the beauty and diversity of Morocco.

Your day starts with a transfer from Marrakech to the Imlil Valley, nestled at the base of Mount Toubkal. This is where your wheels meet the dirt, and the journey ahead unfolds.

With a climb that invites you to test your mettle, you’ll pedal steadily, feeling the thrill of the ascent as you put pressure on the pedals. The mountain air is invigorating, and the vistas that open up around you are a reward for your efforts.

At the pass’s summit, standing at 2300 meters, a well-deserved pause awaits. A moment to catch your breath, sip on mint tea, and indulge in biscuits, all while soaking in the breathtaking views. The Atlas Mountains stretch before you, their majesty an invitation to explore their trails and secrets.

The real adventure begins as you dive into the first singletrack of the day. The trail winds through villages like Tacheddirt, Tamguist, and Amssakrou, each nestled in the embrace of the mountains. The flowing singletrack allows you to connect with nature and the rhythm of the terrain, an experience that captures the essence of mountain biking.

As the sun climbs higher, you’ll descend into a riverbed, where a leisurely and indulgent lunch beckons. The flavors of Moroccan cuisine blend with the sounds of nature, and the mountain landscape becomes a backdrop to your midday reverie.

Recharged and ready, you continue your journey—a short climb that transforms into a thrilling single-track descent. The trail weaves its way through technical challenges, each twist and turn an opportunity to connect with the landscape.

At the end of this exhilarating descent lies Imi Oughlad, a tranquil haven where you’ll spend the night. The stories of your day’s adventures will mingle with the starlit sky, and the serene surroundings offer a perfect conclusion to a day of riding and exploration.

The Atlas Mountains have welcomed you with open arms, and the trails have shared their secrets. As you rest in Imi Oughlad, you’ll find yourself grateful for the experiences of the day, eager to see what tomorrow’s trails will reveal.

Day 3: Imi’oughelad to Azzaden Valley - Climbs, Singletracks, and Tranquil Nights

With the dawn painting the Atlas Mountains in hues of gold, your journey continues with a day that promises challenges, choices, and the thrill of discovery. Today’s path leads from Imi Oughlad to the picturesque Azzaden Valley—a journey that showcases both the physical demands of the terrain and the beauty that awaits at every turn.

Your day begins with an optional challenge—a tough climb that leads you to the head of the second pass of the week. The mountains stand tall before you, an invitation to push your limits and embrace the ascent. For those seeking a different pace, an uplift can be arranged—a testament to the flexibility of this adventure.

The landscapes that unfold as you climb are a testament to the diversity of the Atlas Mountains. The towering peaks, the play of light and shadow, and the vastness of the surroundings create a sense of both humility and exhilaration.

At the top of the climb, a reward awaits—whether it’s the view that stretches for miles or the satisfaction of conquering the challenge. As you catch your breath, you’ll be reminded of the power of determination and the beauty of the journey.

The descent that follows is a celebration of speed and skill. The singletrack offers a different flavor from the previous day, inviting you to embrace the flow and rhythm as you weave through the terrain.

A brief stop at a local shop offers the chance to refuel—grabbing a refreshing coke and a cake before the next climb. Each twist and turn of the trail is a reminder that the journey is not just about the destination but the experiences that unfold along the way.

The final ascent of the day takes you to the pinnacle of a technical singletrack—a challenge that rewards your finesse and mastery. The mountainside becomes a playground, a canvas for your skills as you navigate the terrain.

As you drop into the Azzaden Valley, a sense of accomplishment mingles with the anticipation of what’s to come. The Gite, your oasis for the night, offers a warm welcome. The aroma of a hearty lunch fills the air, nourishing both body and spirit.

The remainder of the evening is yours to enjoy—exploring the landscapes, perhaps venturing out to discover the hidden corners of the valley. As the stars appear in the sky, you’ll rest easy, knowing that today’s journey has been a testament to your courage and passion. The Atlas Mountains have once again shared their magic, and you’re humbled to be a part of their story.

Day 4: Azzaden Valley to Amizmiz - Peaks, Speed, and Breathtaking Scenery

Awakening in the heart of the Atlas Mountains, you prepare for a day that promises an exhilarating dance with the trails and the landscape. This is a day of singletrack—a chance to embrace the path less traveled, where each twist and turn brings new challenges and rewards.

The guest house, nestled at nearly 1800 meters in altitude, serves as your launchpad for today’s adventure. This is the day to capitalize on the altitude gained, to immerse yourself in the elevation and the thrills it offers.

The path you traverse links villages that have stood the test of time. As you move from one to another, you’ll encounter both nature’s challenges and the exhilaration of speed. The journey is punctuated by climbs that test your mettle, ascending 3-400 meters, only to propel you into incredibly fast sections that ignite your sense of adventure.

A secluded wooded area along the riverbed serves as the setting for a midday break. Mint tea awaits, a soothing elixir that refreshes both body and soul. The trails may test your stamina, but moments like these remind you of the simple joys that nature offers.

With lunch enjoyed and energy replenished, the journey continues. Crossing a large dam marks a transition to another incredible ribbon of singletrack—a path that leads to a spectacular gorge. The scenery is beyond words, a visual feast that complements the thrill of the trails.

A gentle ride takes you to the gite, your haven for the night, situated just outside Amizmiz. The altitude, the trails, and the unforgettable moments of the day have all led you here. As you rest your head, you’ll replay the descents, climbs, and panoramas in your mind—a day that resonates with the essence of mountain biking.

Day 5: Amizmiz to Imouzzar Ida Outanane - Peaks and Plunges

The sun’s rays once again cast their magic as you embark on another day of challenges and rewards. Today’s journey from Amizmiz to Imouzzar Ida Outanane takes you on a rollercoaster ride through the landscape—a testament to the highs and lows that characterize mountain biking.

The morning unfolds with great challenges and climbs that push your limits. The peaks seem to beckon, offering both physical and mental tests that you embrace with determination. The ascent is accompanied by moments of contemplation, each step forward a testament to your resilience.

At the top of this morning’s challenge, a traverse and singletrack descent await—a reward for your efforts that propels you into another world of speed and exhilaration. The mountainside becomes your playground, the trail an extension of your determination.

The path continues as you descend into a riverbed on the other side of the valley. Here, another technical ascent challenges your skills and perseverance. The ascent is not just a physical journey but a mental one, a reminder of the power of the mind to overcome obstacles.

As you conquer the challenges, the day rewards you with a fantastic singletrack descent—the rush of speed, the thrill of navigating nature’s obstacles, and the sense of freedom that comes with each turn.

Lunch provides a well-deserved break, a moment to replenish and refuel. The journey afterward takes you to Imouzzar Ida Outanane, where the day’s trails conclude. The landscapes you’ve traversed and the challenges you’ve conquered become part of your story—a story of peaks and plunges, of determination and rewards.

Resting in Imouzzar Ida Outanane, you’ll reflect on the day’s journey—a mosaic of experiences, landscapes, and the joy of mountain biking. The sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the mountains—a fitting backdrop for a day that has echoed with your passion and perseverance.

Day 6: Imouzzar to Imessouane - From Mountains to Sea

With the scent of adventure lingering in the air, you embark on a day that promises to be a favorite—a journey that leads from the mountains to the sea, traversing landscapes that change with every pedal stroke.

The day unfolds along a quiet road, a canvas that showcases the contrasts of Morocco’s beauty. Unexpected waterfalls, a testament to nature’s hidden treasures, greet you along the way. The road leads you along the spectacular Targant Valley, a path that winds and weaves as you descend from the mountains.

A first climb tests your mettle, propelling you to high plateaus where Berbers graze their herds of goats and camels. The scenery stretches before you, a panorama that blends the rugged terrain with the tranquility of the herds.

As you pedal westward, the sea breeze carries the scent of the Atlantic, signaling your approach to the coast. The anticipation builds, and soon enough, you reach Imessouane—a coastal gem where your memorable biking adventure concludes. A refreshing swim in the sea becomes a fitting finale to the day’s journey.

Day 7: Imessouane to Essaouira - Coastal Charms and Inland Treasures

The sun rises over the Atlantic, casting its golden hues over the coastline as you set out on a new day of exploration. The morning ride along the coast is a symphony of waves, sun-kissed sand, and the invigorating sea breeze.

As you venture inland, the landscape transforms once again. Majestic mountains stand as sentinels, valleys reveal villages that cling to the slopes like crowns, and terraced fields adorned with almond trees in blossom are a sight to behold.

Your journey concludes at Sidi Kaouki, a moment that calls for celebration. A swim in the sea and a picnic lunch become your rewards—an opportunity to savor the moments and the landscapes that have colored your day.

A short drive takes you to Essaouira, a city known for its artisan shops, European influence, and sandy beaches that stretch for kilometers. The medina invites exploration, revealing spice markets, marquetry workshops, and a glimpse into Morocco’s rich history. Your night is spent in a charming Riad in the heart of the medina—a tranquil haven after a day of discovery.

Day 8: Essaouira to Marrakech - A Journey's Culmination

As the sun paints the sky in shades of pink and gold, your exploration of Essaouira continues. The medina’s labyrinthine streets reveal their secrets, and the sound of the waves accompanies your morning wanderings. The beach becomes a canvas for reflection, a place to savor the moments before you bid farewell.

The road to Marrakech beckons, and you embark on a journey that spans 170 kilometers. The distance becomes a canvas that captures memories of coastal charms, mountain vistas, and the soul-stirring landscapes that have defined your adventure.

Upon arriving in Marrakech, the city welcomes you with its vibrant energy. El Bahia Palace stands as a testament to Morocco’s architectural splendor, and as the sun sets over Jemaa El Fna, the square comes alive with the enchantment of snake charmers, acrobats, and the magic that has drawn travelers for generations.

Your final night is spent in a Riad near the historical heart of the Medina, a place that encapsulates the essence of Morocco’s charm.

Day 9: Departure from Marrakech - Farewell and Sweet Memories

As the sun rises on your last day in Morocco, a sense of nostalgia mingles with gratitude for the adventures that have unfolded. Your guide accompanies you, assisting with the departure formalities as you prepare to board your flight.

As you ascend into the skies, the memories of your 9-day journey become a tapestry of experiences—mountain trails, coastal wonders, cultural encounters, and the indelible spirit of Morocco. The journey may have reached its conclusion, but the sweet memories of this enchanting land will forever be imprinted in your heart.


Airport Transfers

Transport from/to Marrakech

Accommodation during the trip

English Tour Guide

All meals during the trip

Assistance car during the trip

Not Included

Travel Insurance


Private Expenses

Additional drinks and meals

Bike hire*


*available to rent from our bike shop

Essential Equipment*

Normal daily clothes

Padded cycling shorts and gloves

Breathable top or cycling jersey

Sunglasses/eye protection

Stiff-soled shoes suitable for cycling


Long cycling trousers

Warmer layers for earlier departures

Sun cream

Water bottle or Camelback

Energy gels/Energy bars

*we recommend packing the following items

Morocco Bike & Ski Tours,

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